first day of schooling the lifestyle change.



Today was not just the first day of school for kids, it was the first day of schooling this lifestyle change. BOO-YAH. Had food prepped, drank enough water for a football team and somehow managed to get three work outs in. AND lived to type this blog tonight.

Also, I thought I was going to have a temptation to candy, but made the right decision and hid them in my co-workers drawers saying “Don’t you dare let me have these”. Sorry — Squirrel moment.




Typical Cait style…not getting home until after 10pm for the first time all day. Not getting settled in until 11:01.

Why Is that ok? My meals are already chillin in the fridge for tomorrow.

When thinking of what kept me on track the most the first go around, it was definitely food prep. Pick one or two days out of the week where you devote about 30 minutes to  an hour to doing this. I have a very hectic schedule and I can still make time for it. First I take whatever proteins I want to cook — season, and put in the oven. While they are being cooked I cut veggies/fruits and get my complex carbs ready too (Sorry I’m not sorry that I cannot completely give up carbs, trust me it’s for everyone’s good).

While this all sounds like “Duh, Cait” it really is the way to save yourself from screwing up. Instead of grabbing something fast food, you have the legit, not going to make you feel 9 months preggo meal. Also, if you are like me and are on the go all the time, you have back up meals to grab and go.

I posted the picture of getting my hair done because it has turned me into a feisty, saucy positive chick. I used to say “Ok, once I lose 20 more pounds, I can get my hair done.” But this time we are trying a different approach. getting a new doo’ and feeling a little more confident and feisty may help just as much as those mini goals.

Trust me, I still love me some mini goals. Such as the “10 more pounds and I can have Sweet Frog” or “10 more pounds and I can have some drinks when we go out and not be DD for once” so I know I will be using those too. Goals are a good thing 🙂

Tomorrows goal – Get all work outs in and not think about Sweet Frog. Gah….gets me everytime!

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